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This function will add one or more contacts to the address book of a particular user. The string of contacts is semi-colon (";") delimited between fields, and [crlf] delimited between contact entries. This order must be used:

   firstname; lastname; email; email2; email3; h_phone; b_phone; m_phone; fax; website; company; job_title;
   b_street1; b_street2; b_city; b_state; b_zip; b_country; h_street1; h_street2; h_city; h_state; h_zip;
   h_country; favorite; notes
   Set "favorite" to "1" to add the contact to the frequent/favorite contacts list.

Input Parameters

Five strings and one result integer:

   Administrative username,
   Administrative password,
   Domain name,
   User ID (the portion of the email address before the @ symbol),
   Contacts (see above for format/order),
   Result (int)

Return Values

If successful, the return value of the function will be 1.

Consult the Result Code Table for a list of result codes and their meaning.