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(Index (Reseller Only))
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This operation returns a list of Domain Aliases and Accepted Domains for the domain. The type of the alternate domain is indicated by the 'type' data field. The XML schema for the returned data is [http://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/Schemas/DomainSplitRouting.xsd DomainAlternateList.xsd]
This operation returns a list of Domain Aliases and Accepted Domains for the domain. The type of the alternate domain is indicated by the 'type' data field. The XML schema for the returned data is [http://api.emailsrvr.com/Schemas/DomainSplitRouting.xsd DomainAlternateList.xsd]

Revision as of 06:17, 25 July 2013



[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains


This operation returns a list of domains under the account. If a customer account is specified, then a list of domains under that specific account will be returned.


To retrieve a list of domains owned by the account that is logged in, use "me" as the customer account number i.e. 'https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/me/domains'. To retrieve a list of domains owned by all customer sub-accounts and your own account, use "all" as the customer account number.

The index operation only supports the GET HTTP verb. For text/xml format, refer to the following schema document: DomainList.xsd


get '/customers/all/domains?size=100&offset=10', 'text/xml'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domainList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:domainList">

Json Result Example:




[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)


The show operation will return detailed information about the specified domain name.


The show operation only supports the GET HTTP verb. For text/xml format, refer to the following schema document: Domain.xsd


  1. These two fields 'exchangeUsedStorage' and 'rsEmailUsedStorage' actually return the number of active mailboxes in each service respectively.
  2. Due to a performance issue Domain Public Folder Status is now returned from an individual URL. See Public Folders Status. The field 'publicFoldersEnabled' from Show Domain result always returns 'false' at this moment.


get '/customers/999999/domains/example.com', 'text/xml'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:domain">
  <aliases />

Json Result Example:


Add/Edit (Reseller Only)


 Add: [POST] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)
 Edit: [PUT] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)


Adds/edits a new domain to the account with the data specified. To add a domain to your own account, use your own account id.

Field Name Data Type Description
serviceType string Domain service type. "rsemail" = "Rackspace Email Only". "exchange" = "Exchange Only". "both" = "Rackspace Email and Exchange"
exchangeExtraStorage int Exchange service extra storage in megabytes
exchangeMaxNumMailboxes int Maximum number of mailboxes allowed under the domain Exchange service. Required for Adding Exchange service
rsEmailBaseMailboxSize int Rackspace Email base mailbox size in megabytes
rsEmailMaxNumberMailboxes int Maximum number of mailboxes allowed under the domain Rackspace Email service. Required for Adding Rackspace Email service
rsEmailExtraStorage int Rackspace Email service extra storage in megabytes
blackBerryMobileServiceEnabled boolean Enable or disable domain BlackBerry Mobile service
blackBerryLicenses int Maximum number of mailboxes allowed to have BlackBerry Mobile service. 0 means unlimited
activeSyncMobileServiceEnabled boolean Enable or disable domain ActiveSync Mobile service
activeSyncLicenses int Maximum number of mailboxes allowed to have ActiveSync Mobile service. 0 means unlimited
goodMobileServiceEnabled (deprecated) boolean Enable or disable domain Good Mobile service
goodMobileLicenses (deprecated) int Maximum number of mailboxes allowed to have Good Mobile service. 0 means unlimited
archivingServiceEnabled boolean Enable or disable domain archiving service


post '/customers/123455/domains/newcompany.com', 'text/xml',
  'maxNumMailboxes' => '5',
  'extraStorage' => '1024'
put '/customers/123455/domains/newcompany.com', 'text/xml',
  'maxNumMailboxes' => '25',
  'extraStorage' => '2048'


Description HTTP Response Code Sample Message
New domain name doesn't meet the naming requirements 400 Invalid domain name
New domain name already exists 400 abc.com already exists as a domain or alternate domain

Move (Reseller Only)


[PUT] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/
      (new customer account number)/domains/(domain name)


Moves the domain to another customer account.

Field Name Data Type Description
moveDomain boolean Indicate whether or not moving the domain


Note 'Move Domain' and 'Edit Domain' share the same URI and HTTP verb. When the domain doesn't belong to the customer and 'moveDomain' is set to 'true', API will take the request as a 'Move Domain' call.


put '/customers/123456/domains/newcompany.com', 'text/xml',
  'moveDomain' => 'true'

Delete (Reseller Only)


[DELETE] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)


Deletes the domain.


The domain and all the mailboxes, mailbox contents, groups, and contacts are deleted permanently.


delete '/customers/12345678/domains/newcompany.com', 'text/xml'

Alternate Domains

Index (Reseller Only)


[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/
                domains/(domain name)/alternatedomains


This operation returns a list of Domain Aliases and Accepted Domains for the domain. The type of the alternate domain is indicated by the 'type' data field. The XML schema for the returned data is DomainAlternateList.xsd


get '/customers/12345678/domains/test.com/alternatedomains', 'text/xml'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<alternateDomainList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
 xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:domainAlternateList">

Json Result Example:


Add (Reseller Only)


 [POST] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)
    /domains/(domain name)/alternatedomains/(alternate domain name)


Adds either a Domain Alias or Accepted Domain to the domain.

Field Name Data Type Description
type string Alternate domain type. Send "DomainAlias" for a domain alias, and "AcceptedDomain" for an accepted domain. (Required)
createForExistingRecipients boolean Whether the alternate addresses should be created for existing mailboxes when adding an Accepted Domain. Sending this field in the request when the type is Domain Alias will throw an error. This defaults to false.


post '/customers/123456/domains/example.com/alternatedomains/accepteddomain.com', 'text/xml',
  'type' => 'AcceptedDomain'
  'createForExistingRecipients' => 'true'


Description HTTP Response Code Sample Message
New domain name doesn't meet the naming requirements 400 Invalid domain name
Alternate domain already exists 400 abc.com already exists as a domain or alternate domain
The 'createForExistingRecipients' field was sent with either data, or as a null field. It should not be included in the form data at all. 400 Invalid Alternate Domain Setting: createForExistingRecipients is an invalid setting for Domain Aliases
The only valid values for 'type' are 'DomainAlias' and 'AcceptedDomain', for a Domain Alias and Accepted Domain respectively. 400 Invalid Alternate Domain type

Delete (Reseller Only)


[DELETE] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/
      domains/(domain name)/alternatedomains/(alternate domain name)


Deletes the alternate domain.


delete '/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/alternatedomains/accepteddomain.com'

Split Domain Routing

Show Settings


[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain)/splitdomainrouting

Description: Shows the current external email server. The XML schema document for the output of this command is DomainSplitRouting.xsd


get '/customers/12345678/domains/company.com/splitdomainrouting', 'text/xml'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<splitDomainRouting xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:splitDomainRouting">

JSON Result Example:


Edit Settings


[PUT] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain)/splitdomainrouting


This command sets the external email server. This command will return a success when the verification passes. Since this involves communication to the external server the request may take some time. If the verification fails a 400 return code will be sent back with the verification's error message.

Field Name Data Type Description
externalServer string The address of the external email server. To turn off split domain routing send 'none'. (Required)
verificationAddress string An email address part of your domain or one of the alternate domains that the external server is already set up to handle. (Required only when turning on split domain routing, Do not send this field if turning off.)


put '/customers/12345678/domains/company.com/splitdomainrouting', 'text/xml',
  'externalServer' => 'email.externalserver.com',
  'verificationAddress' => 'externalaccount@company.com',
Description HTTP Response Code Sample Message
The SMTP host could not be found. 400 One of the verification error messages.

Archiving SSO Login URL


[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain)/archivingSSOLoginURL


Gets the domain archiving service SSO login URL.


The retrieved URL can be used in browser to access the domain archiving control panel.


get '/customers/12345678/domains/company.com/archivingSSOLoginURL', 'text/xml'


Description HTTP Response Code Sample Message
No archiving service 404 Domain abc.com has no archiving service enabled

Domain Public Folders

Show Status


   [GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)/ex/publicfolders


Retrieves the Exchange Public Folders status for the domain. The XML schema for the returned data is DomainPublicFolders.xsd


get '/customers/12345678/domains/company.com/ex/publicFolders', 'text/xml'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domainPublicFolders xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:domainPublicFolders">



   [PUT] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)/ex/publicfolders


Enables the Exchange Public Folders feature on the domain. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled.

Field Name Data Type Description
enabled string Whether to enable public folders. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled.


put '/customers/12345678/domains/company.com/ex/publicFolders', 'text/xml',
  'enabled' => 'true'


Description HTTP Response Code Sample Message
Public folders cannot be turned off after it's been turned on. 400 Public Folders cannot be disabled once enabled

Domain Email Everyone


   [POST] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)/emaileveryone
   [POST] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/domains/(domain name)/emaileveryone

Description: Send an email to all mailboxes for the domain. This request returns a list of recipients.

Field Name Data Type Description
fromName string Sender's Name.
fromAddress string Sender's Email Address.
subject string Message subject.
body string Message body.


post'/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/emaileveryone', 'text/xml',
  'fromName' => 'John Doe',
  'fromAddress' => 'john.doe@test.com',
  'subject' => 'Hi All',
  'body' => 'Hello World.',

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<emailAddressList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:emailAddressList">

Json Result Example:


Show Domain Catch-All Address


[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)/catchalladdress
[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/domains/(domain name)/catchalladdress


Return the Catch-All Address for the domain. Returns empty string when no Catch-All Address set for the domain.


When an email is sent to a mailbox that does not exist on your domain, deliver the email to this address.


get '/customers/999999/domains/example.com/catchalladdress', 'text/xml'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<emailAddress xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:emailAddress">

Json Result Example:


Edit Domain Catch-All Address


[PUT] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)/catchalladdress
[PUT] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v0/domains/(domain name)/catchalladdress


Edit the Catch-All Address for the domain.


When an email is sent to a mailbox that does not exist on your domain, deliver the email to this address.


This request may take about 1-2 minutes to be applied to the domain.

Field Name Data Type Description
address string The Catch-All email address. Set address to empty string to remove Catch-All Address.


post'/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/emaileveryone', 'text/xml',
  'address' => 'abc@example.com'