Difference between revisions of "AddUserWithLdapAttributes()"

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(New page: This function will add a new mailbox and set it's mailbox LDAP attributes. Please note that a number of attributes cannot be edited from the control panel without contacting Webmail.us an...)
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Revision as of 14:52, 25 August 2008

This function will add a new mailbox and set it's mailbox LDAP attributes. Please note that a number of attributes cannot be edited from the control panel without contacting Webmail.us and requesting "LDAP access" so that you can configure which attributes are optional or required when adding a new user via the control panel and to have required and optional attributes displayed. Here is the list of LDAP attributes and their meaning:

'sn' -                       As in surname, or last name
'displayName' -              Person's full name
'givenName' -                First name

'intials' -                  Middle name or initial(s)
'personalTitle' -            As in "Mrs."
'o' -                        Organization/company

'ou' -                       Organizational unit/department
'title' -                    Title as in job title
'businessCategory' -         Flexible: region/type/other

'telephoneNumber' -          Telephone number
'mobile' -                   Mobile telephone number
'pager' -                    Pager telephone number

'facsimileTelephoneNumber' - Fax phone number
'street' -                   Street address
'l' -                        That's a lower-case "L", for city

'st' -                       State
'postalCode' -               Zip code in the U.S.
'c' -                        Country

'mail' -                     Email address/reply-to address
'homePhone' -                Home phone number
'homeStreet' -               Home street address

'homeCity' -                 Home city
'homeState' -                Home state
'homeCountry' -              Home country

'homePostalCode' -           Home postal/zip code

Input Parameters

Five strings, one integer, and one array of strings:

   Administrative username,
   Administrative password,
   Domain name,
   UserID (the part before @),
   Surname (last name of user-- required),
   Active (int; 1=active, 0=inactive),
   Attributes array ("givenname    John", "o   MyCompany", ...) (tab delimited)

Return Values

If successful, the return value of the function will be 1.

Consult the Result Code Table for a list of result codes and their meaning.