Customer (Rest API)
v1 - Current
Index (Reseller Only)
This operation returns the list of customers that the authenticated user has access to.
Search parameter 'startswith' and 'contains' will try to find the result in customer name, account number and reference number. We also provide a separate query method ?referenceNumber=123456 that will return a Show on the exact customer whose reference number is as specified. This query method only returns details for sub-accounts.
get '/customers?size=100&offset=10', 'text/xml'
XML Result Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <customerList xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="urn:xml:customerList"> <offset>0</offset> <size>50</size> <total>3</total> <customers> <customer> <name>API Customer 17</name> <accountNumber>460182</accountNumber> <referenceNumber>49</referenceNumber> </customer> <customer> <name>API Customer 39</name> <accountNumber>460181</accountNumber> <referenceNumber>23</referenceNumber> </customer> <customer> <name>API Customer 50</name> <accountNumber>460183</accountNumber> <referenceNumber>10</referenceNumber> </customer> </customers> </customerList>
JSON Result Example:
{"offset":0,"size":50,"total":3,"customers": [{"name":"API Customer 17","accountNumber":"460182","referenceNumber":"49"}, {"name":"API Customer 39","accountNumber":"460181","referenceNumber":"23"}, {"name":"API Customer 50","accountNumber":"460183","referenceNumber":"10"}]}
Show (Reseller Only)
[GET] account number)
The show operation will return detailed information about the specified account.
To do the show operation on the account that is logged in instead of a customer's account, use "me" in the place of the customer account number i.e. ''.
The show operation only supports the GET HTTP verb.
Reference Number
The query string "referenceNumber=xx" searches for a customer with an exact reference number.
get '/customers/me', 'text/xml'
XML Result Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <customer xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="urn:xml:customer"> <name>API Customer 17</name> <accountNumber>460182</accountNumber> <referenceNumber>49</referenceNumber> <addressLine1>555 Address</addressLine1> <addressLine2>Suite 555</addressLine2> <city>Austin</city> <state>TX</state> <zip>78703</zip> <country>US</country> <phone>1-555-555-5555</phone> <email></email> </customer>
JSON Result Example:
{ "name":"API Customer 17", "accountNumber":"460182", "referenceNumber":"49", "addressLine1":"555 Address", "addressLine2":"Suite 555", "city":"Austin", "state":"Texas", "zip":"78703", "country":"USA", "phone":"1-555-555-5555", "email":"" }
Example of querying with Reference Number
get '/customers?referenceNumber=49', 'text/xml'
XML Result Example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <customer xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="urn:xml:customer"> <name>API Customer 17</name> <accountNumber>460182</accountNumber> <referenceNumber>49</referenceNumber> <addressLine1>555 Address</addressLine1> <addressLine2>Suite 555</addressLine2> <city>Austin</city> <state>TX</state> <zip>78703</zip> <country>US</country> <phone>1-555-555-5555</phone> <email></email> </customer>
Add/Edit (Reseller Only)
Add: [POST] Edit: [PUT] account number)
Add or edit a new sub-account. Note that customer number is not known until the customer is added.
The name
field must contain 100 characters or fewer. The name
field cannot be null or empty and cannot begin or end with whitespace.
The referenceNumber
must contain 20 characters or fewer.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
name | string | The customer's display name (required for Add) |
referenceNumber | string | The reference number of this account |
addressLine1 | string | Street address for the account |
addressLine2 | string | Additional address information (building, suite, etc.) |
city | string | Account city |
state | string | Account state |
zip | string | Account ZIP code |
country | string | Account country |
phone | string | Account phone number |
string | Account email address |
post '/customers', 'text/xml', { 'name' => 'Name' }
put '/customers/999999', 'text/xml', { 'name' => 'NewName', 'referenceNumber' => '12345' 'addressLine1':'555 Address', 'addressLine2':'Suite 555', 'city':'Austin', 'state':'Texas', 'zip':'78703', 'country':'USA', 'phone':'1-555-555-5555', 'email':'' }
Description | HTTP Response Code | Sample Message |
The name field was not specified | 400 Bad Request | Missing required field: name |
The name field cannot be blank | 400 Bad Request | Required field name cannot be empty |
Name cannot begin or end with whitespace | 400 Bad Request | Improper Customer Name: cannot begin or end with a space |
Name must contain <= 100 characters | 400 Bad Request | Name too long: 100 characters or fewer |
Reference number must contain <= 20 characters | 400 Bad Request | Reference number too long: 20 characters or fewer |
Enable/Disable (Reseller Only)
[POST] account number)/enable [POST] account number)/disable
Enables or disables the account and all services (mailboxes, sharepoint sites, etc).
post '/customers/999999/disable'
Description | HTTP Response Code | Sample Message |
You are either trying to enable/disable an account which does not belong to you or the admin associated with your api key does not have the correct role(s) to perform this action. | 403 | Not authorized |
You have made too many recent requests to perform this action. You are allowed to perform this action only one time in a 5 minute sliding window. | 403 | Exceeded request limits |
Delete (Reseller Only)
[DELETE] account number)
Deletes the account.
delete '/customers/999999', 'text/xml'
Create Login Tokens
[POST] account number)/loginToken
Generate a login token using which a customer can use to SSO into the Control Panel.
Login tokens can be generated for two kinds of users: virtual and non-virtual. The distinction between the two users is that a virtual user gets the administrator's privileges when SSOed into the Control Panel. On the other hand, the non-virtual user gets only as much privileges as are given to him/her when his/her account was created.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
userName | string | The name for which login token needs to be created. |
virtualUser | string | A flag indicating whether the user for whom the login token needs to be generated is virtual or non-virtual. Valid values: true/false. When set to true, the userName is treated as a virtual user. When set to false, the userName is treated as a non-virtual user. A non-virtual user must be an existing admin user. |
post '/customers/460896/loginToken', {'userName' => 'dev_cust_limitedadmin', 'virtualUser' => 'true'}, 'text/xml'
Create login token for virtual user 'dev_cust_limitedadmin'.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <loginToken xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="urn:xml:loginToken"> <user>dev_cust_limitedadmin_460896_vu</user> <token>EEB0012D8DBC2CAC26E28365D44B537FFF0D79350</token> <dateCreated>6/11/2010 10:53:46 AM</dateCreated> </loginToken>
The login token is valid for ten minutes after its creation. The "dateCreated" field indicates the time when the login token
is created.
Using the above created login token the customer with account number 460896 can SSO into the Control Panel using the following URL:
A customer can also use the login token to login on their private label control panel (E.g.:
v2 - Current
Company contacts
The paths in this section allow you to manage company contacts. Company contacts have authorization to contact Support with questions about this account.
View contacts
View all contacts for an account.
GET '/v2/customers/999999/contacts', 'application/json'
200 OK { "Size": 50, "Offset": 0, "Total": 1, "Items": [{ "CustomerNumber": "999999", "Email": "", "Id": "1", "Name": "Contact first - Ellie", "Phone": "1235555555", "ReceivesAlerts": true, "ReceivesBilling": true, "ReceivesUpdates": true, "SecurityAnswer": "A", "SecurityQuestion": "Q" }] }
Request parameters
- Size: The number of contacts returned to GET requests. The default value is 50.
- Offset: Indicates an offset at which to return contacts to GET requests. The default value is 0.
- Total: Indicates the total number of contacts for the account.
Alerts, Billing, and Updates
- ReceivesAlerts: Indicates whether a contact receives account alerts.
- ReceivesBilling: Authorizes a contact to receive billing information and inquiries. An account must have at least one billing contact.
- ReceivesUpdates: Indicates whether a contact receives account update notifications.
View a specific contact
View a specific contact by adding a contact's ID
to the request path.
Locate a contact's ID
in its Items
array when viewing all contacts.
GET '/v2/customers/999999/contacts/4', 'application/json'
200 OK { "CustomerNumber": "999999", "Email": "", "Id": "4", "Name": "Contact first - Ellie", "Phone": "1235555555", "ReceivesAlerts": true, "ReceivesBilling": true, "ReceivesUpdates": true, "SecurityAnswer": "A", "SecurityQuestion": "Q" }
View a range of contacts at an offset
Include Size and Offset in the URL of GET requests to view a range of contacts at an offset.
GET '/v2/customers/999999/contacts?size=2&offset=2', 'application/json'
200 OK { "Size": 2, "Offset": 2, "Total": 4, "Items": [{ "CustomerNumber": "999999", "Email": "", "Id": "3", "Name": "Contact first - Ellie", "Phone": "1235555555", "ReceivesAlerts": true, "ReceivesBilling": true, "ReceivesUpdates": true, "SecurityAnswer": "A", "SecurityQuestion": "Q" }, { "CustomerNumber": "999999", "Email": "", "Id": "4", "Name": "Contact after hours - Samir", "Phone": "1235555555", "ReceivesAlerts": false, "ReceivesBilling": false, "ReceivesUpdates": false, "SecurityAnswer": "A", "SecurityQuestion": "Q" }] }
Add a contact
Create a new contact.
Creating a new contact requires all contact fields to be populated. See the following request body for a complete list.
POST /v2/customers/9999/contacts/ { "Email": "", "Name": "Best Contact", "Phone": "1235555555", "ReceivesAlerts": false, "ReceivesBilling": false, "ReceivesUpdates": false, "SecurityAnswer": "A", "SecurityQuestion": "Q" }
Update a contact
Update information for the contact you specify.
PUT /v2/customers/999999/contacts/4 { "Email": "", "Name": "Best Contact", "Phone": "1235555555", "ReceivesAlerts": false, "ReceivesBilling": false, "ReceivesUpdates": false, "SecurityAnswer": "A", "SecurityQuestion": "Q" }
200 OK
Delete a contact
Remove a contact from the account.
An account must include at least one contact for billing. Set "ReceivesBilling" : "true"
for any contacts permitted to handle billing-related inquiries.
DELETE /v2/customers/999999/contacts/4
200 OK
Errors for GET requests
Description | HTTP Response Code | Sample Message |
Invalid method | 404 Not Found | Make sure the URL is correct. |
Errors for DELETE requests
Description | HTTP Response Code | Sample Message |
Attempting to delete the last primary or billing contact | 400 Bad Request | There must be at least one billing contact and one primary contact. (A single contact can be both.) |
Errors for PUT and POST requests
Description | HTTP Response Code | Sample Message |
POST body is empty | 400 Bad Request | Payload must be a valid JSON object. Make sure the POST body contains content. |
Wrong content type | 400 Bad Request | Payload must be a valid JSON object. Verify that the content type is application/json .
Unable to add a new contact or administrator. | 400 Bad Request | Contact/Administrator limit reached. |
Missing contact name | 400 Bad Request | Contact name cannot be empty. |
Missing or invalid email address | 400 Bad Request | Please enter a valid email address. |
No security question specified | 400 Bad Request | Security question cannot be empty. |
No security answer specified | 400 Bad Request | Security answer cannot be empty. |
Admin does not have permission to add, change, or remove contacts | 403 Not Authorized | Unauthorized. |