Rackspace Mailbox (Rest API)

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v1 - Current



[GET] http://api.emailsrvr.com/v1/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)


Shows a list of mailboxes under the domain


Mailbox searches may be filtered by the 'enabled' flag using query methods ?enabled=true and ?enabled=false.


The show operation only supports the GET HTTP verb.


get '/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/rs/mailboxes'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rsMailboxList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:rsMailboxList">

Json Result Example:

  "offset": 0,
  "size": 50,
  "total": 2,
  "rsMailboxes": [{
    "name": "apirsmailbox37"
  }, {
    "name": "apirsmailbox91"

Custom Fields:

The result displays each mailbox's 'name' and 'displayName' as default. There is a query string 'fields' that allows the result to display more mailbox properties. The additional properties are: 'size', 'currentUsage', 'enabled', 'createdDate', and 'lastLogin'


get '/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/rs/mailboxes?fields=size,currentUsage'



[GET] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v1/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)
        /rs/mailboxes/(mailbox name)


The show operation will return detailed information about the specified mailbox.


The show operation only supports the GET HTTP verb.


get '/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/rs/mailboxes/alex.smith'

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rsMailbox xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:rsMailbox">
  <vacationMessage>My Test Vacation Message</vacationMessage>
  <lastLogin>2/12/2009 1:00:00 AM</lastLogin>
  <createdDate>4/10/2006 7:47:34 PM</createdDate>
    <businessStreet>123 Biz St</businessStreet>
    <homeStreet>456 Home St</homeStreet>
    <notes>This is my note about my mailbox.</notes>
    <title>My Title</title>

Json Result Example:

  "emailForwardingAddressList": ["test@resellerallservices.net"],
  "enableVacationMessage": true,
  "enabled": true,
  "contactInfo": {
    "businessNumber": "555.123.0001",
    "faxNumber": "555.123.0005",
    "firstName": "Jimmy",
    "homeNumber": "555.123.0003",
    "lastName": "TestLaste",
    "mobileNumber": "555.123.0004",
    "notes": "This is my note about my mailbox.",
    "pagerNumber": "555.123.0002",
    "businessCity": "",
    "businessCountry": "",
    "businessPostalCode": "",
    "businessState": "",
    "businessStreet": "",
    "employeeType": "DoesNotExist",
    "generationQualifier": "Jr",
    "homeCity": "",
    "homeCountry": "",
    "homeFaxNumber": "555.123.0006",
    "homePostalCode": "",
    "homeState": "",
    "homeStreet": "",
    "initials": "A",
    "organizationUnit": "IT",
    "organizationalStatus": "gainfully employed",
    "title": "My Title",
    "userID": "J.Test",
    "customID": "0123456789"
  "name": "unittestexist",
  "saveForwardedEmail": false,
  "size": 10240,
  "vacationMessage": "Test Vacation Message",
  "createdDate": "4\/10\/2006 7:47:34 PM",
  "currentUsage": 1024,
  "visibleInExchangeGAL": false,
  "visibleInRackspaceEmailCompanyDirectory": false

Recoverable Mailboxes

If the mailbox does not exist, the API will return the regular itemNotFound data. In addition, it will also return a boolean value isRecoverable which is set to true if the mailbox is recoverable. If isRecoverable is true, deletedDate will also be set, otherwise deletedDate will not be included.

XML Result Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <message>Entity of type Mailbox identified by some.deleted.mailbox@example.comwas not found</message>
    <details>1/12/2015 4:59:55 PM</details>

Json Result Example:

    "itemNotFoundFault": {
        "resourceType": "Mailbox",
        "additionalData": {
            "isRecoverable": true,
            "deletedDate": "2015-01-10T21:50:26.9430015Z"
        "message": "Entity of type Mailbox identified by some.deleted.mailbox@example.com was not found",
        "details": "1/12/2015 4:50:26 PM",
        "code": 404



Add: [POST] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v1/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)
        /rs/mailboxes/(mailbox name)
Edit: [PUT] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v1/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)
        /rs/mailboxes/(mailbox name)


Adds/Edits a Rackspace Email mailbox using the following form fields.

Field Name Data Type Description
password string Password (Required for Add)
size positive integer Mailbox size in megabytes (Required for Add)
recoverDeleted boolean If set to true, any retained messages will be recovered. See Recoverable Mailboxes.
enableVacationMessage boolean Indicates whether vacation message has been enabled
vacationMessage string A mailbox's vacation message
emailForwardingAddresses string A comma delimited list, Maximum 15 addresses, 4 of which can be outside of this domain
saveForwardedEmail string Indicates whether to save a copy of any forwarded email
lastName string A last name
firstName string A first name
generationQualifier string A person's generation (ex. Jr., Sr., III)
initials string A person's middle initial
displayName string Display name
organizationUnit string A person's organization unit (ex. Marketing)
businessNumber string Business phone number
pagerNumber string Pager phone number
homeNumber string Home phone number
mobileNumber string Mobile phone number
faxNumber string Fax phone number
homeFaxNumber string Home Fax phone number
businessStreet string The business street address for a contact
businessCity string The business city for a contact
businessState string The business state for a contact
businessPostalCode string The business postal code/zip code for a contact
businessCountry string The business country for a contact
homeStreet string The home street address for a contact
homeCity string The home city for a contact
homeState string The home state for a contact
homePostalCode string The home postal code/zip code for a contact
homeCountry string The home country for a contact
notes string Any notes for the mailbox
title string A contact's title
userID string A user ID for a contact
organizationalStatus string A contact's organization status
employeeType string A contact's employee type
customID string A custom field that can be used to tie user mailboxes to external user systems
enabled boolean Status of the mailbox: true = enabled, false = disabled.
visibleInRackspaceEmailCompanyDirectory boolean Flag indicating whether the mailbox is visible in the company directory
visibleInExchangeGAL boolean Flag indicating whether the mailbox is visible in the Exchange Global Address List
currentUsage (read only) positive integer Current space used in mailbox (in MB)
createdDate (read only) string Date of mailbox creation, EST Time (in string format)
lastLogin (read only) string Date of last login, EST Time (in string format)


post '/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/rs/mailboxes/alex.smith',
  'password' => 'Secret13!@#',
  'size' => '2048',
  'enableVacationMessage' => 'true',
  'vacationMessage' => 'My Vacation Message',
  'emailForwardingAddresses' => 'sampletest@example.com,sampletest2@example.com',
  'saveForwardedEmail' => 'false'
  'lastName' => 'Testlastname',
  'firstName' =>  'Jay',
  'generationQualifier' =>  'III',
  'initials' =>  'A',
  'organizationUnit' =>  'IT',
  'businessStreet' =>  '123 Biz St.',
  'businessCity' =>  'Blacksburg',
  'businessState' =>  'VA',
  'businessPostalCode' =>  '24060',
  'businessCountry' =>  'USA',
  'homeStreet' =>  '456 Home St.',
  'homeCity' =>  'Charlotte',
  'homeState' =>  'NC',
  'homePostalCode' =>  '28210',
  'homeCountry' =>  'USA',
  'notes' =>  'This is my note about my mailbox.',
  'title' =>  'My Title',
  'userID' =>  'J.Test',
  'customID' => '0123456789',
  'organizationalStatus' =>  'OrgStatus',
  'employeeType' =>  'Full-Time'
  'visibleInRackspaceEmailCompanyDirectory' => 'false'


To rename a mailbox, include the name form key in the put request. If the call is successful, the old email address will be created as an alias to ensure email is still received when sent to the old email address.


put '/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/rs/mailboxes/alex.smith',
  'name' => 'alex.renamed'



[DELETE] https://api.emailsrvr.com/v1/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain name)
            /rs/mailboxes/(mailbox name)


Deletes the mailbox.


The mailbox and mailbox contents are deleted permanently.


delete '/customers/12345678/domains/example.com/rs/mailboxes/alex.smith'

Create Login Tokens


[POST] https://api.emailsrvr.com/customers/(customer account number)/domains/(domain)/rs/mailboxes/(mailbox)/loginToken


Generate a login Token which can be used to log in to a user's mailbox. The POST will return a loginToken, created date, and expiration date.


This route is not available to customers who access the Cloud Office Control Panel via my.rackspace.com and have an admin account with API keys.


post '/customers/460896/domains/testapidomain.net/rs/mailboxes/testmailbox/loginToken', {}

Create a login Token for testmailbox@testapidomain.net

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<rsMailboxLoginToken xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="urn:xml:rsMailboxLoginToken">


  <dateCreated>9/22/2010 9:33:15 AM</dateCreated>

  <expirationDate>9/22/2010 9:53:14 AM</expirationDate>


The login token is valid until the current time (EST) passes the expiration date, and can be used until that point.

Using the above created login token a user can SSO into testmailbox@testapidomain.net using the following URL:

https://{webmail address}/mail/src/redirect.php?user_name={testmailbox@testapidomain.net}&emailaddress=testmailbox@testapidomain.net&sessionID=5b5e27419a363fc5b65bbb63d1c2d3f8

Alternatively, the login token can be used to SSO into the webmail mobile site using the following URL:

https://{webmail address}/mobile/login.php?user_name=address@domain.com&emailaddress=address@domain.com&sessionID=5b5e27419a363fc5b65bbb63d1c2d3f8