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This function will add a new sub-account and place a new domain inside that subaccount. If you need to add a new domain to an existing account, use Subaccount_AddDomain().


Four strings, three integers, two more strings, and a string array:

   Administrative username,
   Administrative password,
   Name of account/domain to be added,
   Aliases to the domain (e.g. might be an alias to, emptry string if no domain aliases),
   Max mailbox size (integer, MB, default max size for mailboxes when created for this domain),
   Max number of users (integer),
   Placeholder (integer, set it to 1),
   New admin username (username of first admin for the subaccount),
   New admin password (password of first admin for the subaccount),
   Placeholder (array of strings, set it to empty)

Return Values

If successful, the return value of the function will be 1.

Consult the Result Code Table for a list of result codes and their meaning.