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The Mailtrust API

The Mailtrust API comprises a robust set of web services designed to allow businesses to fully integrate administrative email functions into their own applications. Based on SOAP, functions in the API allow programs written in many different languages to perform operations such as adding mailboxes and changing settings. The API can also be used to provide single sign on functionality in concert with other web applications. The Webmail API runs on the same robust server platform that supports our high-availability webmail and email services.

API System Upgrades, March 2009

On March 7th the Webmail User API will be updated to use the most recent and robust systems at Mailtrust. No changes to code written by Mailtrust customers should be needed to take advantage of the update. If desired, code may be updated to use the latest URI found in the Webmail User API documentation, though the old URI will be automatically redirected to the new URI by Mailtrust on March 7th.

RISKS: After extensive testing Mailtrust has concluded that there is a risk for customers using programming libraries that send the HTTP EXPECT header with their requests. This update moves the API to a much more robust and scalable system, but the system will return errors if this header is included in a request.

An excellent discussion around turning off EXPECT headers for .NET and PHP may be found in this [1] about Twitter:

Mailtrust API

  • Business API - provides a list of functions designed for single business/domain usage
  • Reseller API - provides a complete list of functions for multiple domains and sub-accounts
  • Beta API - a list of functions in public beta testing

Code Examples

  • HTML (not part of the API, strictly speaking)

Getting Started Screencast

Screencast of accessing two of our SOAP API's from PHP using Ubuntu linux.

Result Codes

Consult the Result Code Table for a list of result codes and their meaning.